viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

The LaSt daY

The last day the dutch people went back to holland. At 14:45 went to Aretxabaleta to take the bus. We are very sad because them went back ,the goodbye was long, many people cry and all of them gift kisses. The bus came at 15:00 o clock and they go back to Holland.     

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010


In the morning we went to Zumaia there we visited a sea of Zumaia and the flix of the sea.
After this wee go to one museum to saw some pictures in 3D and one film of everithig we saw.
When  this all finished we had free time to dinner and to saw a little bit Zumaia. 
At 4 o´clock we took the bus to go to Aretxabaleta. 

At night we had  dinne in Eskoriatza with all the fathers, mothers and some teachers.

Day 4

We took the bus at 8:30 to go to Vitoria Gasteiz, when we arrived  we separated in two groups to do one game, we had to go to the city taking  a photos of things that are in the old part of Gasteiz.
Then, we visited the Parlament and when this finished we had a free time to dinner.
To finish we come to Aretxabaleta to the school to do the Blog`s.